From mid-December to mid-January was spent on the road with my wee-little family... this post highlights some of our adventures and beautiful areas that were explored during that time.
My husband had just left his job to focus on his music, and my work had slowed down due to the holiday's ... so we decided to hit the road and drive coast to coast.

After visiting Arches National Park, Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest, random coffee shops in passing cities, Vegas, Colorado, and our family on the East Coast & Midwest, we had to start heading back home!
Due to the bitter cold we endured in WI we decided to hit the coast on the way back to Seattle. What was a couple extra days at this point?!?
Hello California
We found this adorable little motel in LA.
After spending a day in LA and Venice Beach we drove to Palm Dessert to visit my Grandfather. We ended up staying with him for two nights, and took a day trip to Joshua Tree before hitting up HWY 101 to Seattle!
Joshua Tree
HWY 101 and Big Sur never disappoint!

Then we enjoyed our last sunset on the road and finished our drive home. It was such an amazing month full of so much exploring, seeing family & friends, and new discoveries. I feel incredibly blessed and lucky to be able to leave for a month and be on the road! It's where I feel most alive.
Resources :
When tackling a long trip like this I love to do some research. I found that the app RoadTrippers was especially useful and fun to use as well various articles showcasing highlights when planning out your route. Check out Your RV Lifestyle for some tips!