When your struggling to get through an East Coast Winter and your husband suggests you leave town and visit your best friend, in Utah, YOU GO!
There are two really wonderful parts to this weekend escape.
I will start with with the 1st: Jess
Jess and I have been friends for nearly 12 years. Throughout those years she has become someone I can trust my life with. She knows me so well, that sometimes it scares me. ( in a good way )
But our relationship didn't start as besties. It was a slow brew. In time our hangs developed beyond getting together and coloring each other's hair or having coffee dates.
I truly feel like this really occurred when life got real! Between Jess having a spouse that was in the army and overseas, and then becoming a new mom; I was simultaneously going through some big life changes as well. I was newly married and just got the news that my father-in-law was diagnosed with brain cancer. SO...Life set in real quick. And all of the struggles of balancing emotions, relationships, and responsibilities were in full effect. But the beautiful part of 'life happening' is what comes out of it when life slows down a bit for you to see.
And one of those beautiful things was a friendship that I hold dearest to my heart and continue to nurture and be amazed by it.
This beautiful person and I have been through so much together and seeing her grow and change into who she is today is inspiring and beautiful to see. We are each other's cheerleaders and support on any given day.
Now, this may not stand out to you if you have been lucky enough to have friends like these in your life, and always have. But for me, I had always bonded more with the boys. I had girlfriends come in and out of my life. It always bummed me out, and I couldn't understand it. But nonetheless, I accepted it.
Then I met Jess. And she is pretty damn great.
The second part of this weekend escape was that I was in desperate need of some solid hiking and mountains. The bonus was being able to actually share that with Jess.
I love hiking! I love the mountains. I love getting my body moving. I love standing at the top of a cliff and taking pictures of the world below me. I love slowing down and really seeing around me. Being awake in the moment. And I love that I can share this with my best friend.
Angels Landing
I highly recommend a visit to Zion National Park if you have never been.
It is such a magically beautiful place with a mix of terrain and textures. The colors are so warm and soothing and hikes at all levels.
We personally had our eye on Angels Landing. We were checking the weather up to the hour before hitting the trail head.
It is a difficult climb with multiple switch backs and a narrow ledge to climb to the top. Just a few days before we headed to Zion a young girl had fallen to her death. Sadly she was not the first who lost her life hiking on this trail. So, as much as we wanted adventure, we wanted to be smart!
And this my friends, is one of the many reasons why I adore this human being ------ >
We spent a total of two nights and 3 days in Zion. And my favorite spot was this nook that was onto of a hike but on the other side of the lookout ( where most people stopped and then hiked back down). But, when we got to the top we started to wonder around and explore. Then Jess found this awesome little hideaway stone. We spent so much time here reflecting and appreciating that we were able to be together and have this weekend.
It was a bless moment that I still reflect on and beyond thankful for.